Custom Line Art - Architecture


This is a custom, digitally illustrated illustration. You receive a transparent background PNG file 8x10 300 dpi. File delivered via email. Great for a housewarming, or anniversary gift!

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This is a custom, digitally illustrated illustration. You receive a transparent background PNG file 8x10 300 dpi. File delivered via email. Great for a housewarming, or anniversary gift!

This is a custom, digitally illustrated illustration. You receive a transparent background PNG file 8x10 300 dpi. File delivered via email. Great for a housewarming, or anniversary gift!


You can use this versatile illustration in so many ways beyond printing and hanging in a frame. Use this image to create an embossing stamp, print on an ornament, add to napkins, header for stationery, embroider on a shirt or hat, add to your envelope liner, the ideas are endless!


You provide a high resolution photo of the building to be illustrated. Looking for a custom size? Please send me a message for pricing options.

The best reference photos are taken standing back from the building so it can be seen in its entirety. Try to take the photo as straight on as possible to avoid distortions (no pictures from low on the ground or high above). If the building is distorted by trees or cars, multiple reference photos can be provided to better see what is being hidden from the street view reference photo.

The turnaround time of 1 week to complete the illustrating begins after the artist receives the reference photo and any specific instructions (remove a streetlamp or trash can). First, you'll receive a black and white watermarked version to review and approve. Then, the artist will send you the the unwatermarked version to give as a gift or proudly display.

Additional items, not attached to the home, can be added for an additional cost. This is a great way to include a pet, symbolic item, or text. Please reach out if you’d like to add additional items before purchasing this listing.


Please do not duplicate the piece without artist consent. Please do not use the illustration for commercial use. The artist reserves the copyright of the piece and the right to business use (website, social media, examples to show other clients). Don't worry, custom pieces of private property and personal likeness will not be labeled, identified, or reproduced for others to purchase (unless you want me to make prints of your piece for family and friends).

Custom Watercolor House Portrait
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