
All art featured on this website, unless noted, are original creations of the artist, Alexa, who retains sole copyrights for production and use. This includes commissioned art and licensed pieces. Please do not download, screenshot, or print Alexa’s art with the purpose of printing, selling, posting online, or claiming as your own. If you share Alexa’s art via email, text, social media, direct link, pinterest, etc., please CREDIT THE ARTIST.

Payment & Process

Payment for goods and services through the Alexa’s Illustrations website is expected at the time of purchase.

Custom pieces are highly time consuming and require timely response and feedback from the client at every step of the process. Client approval is requested at various steps of the process. Requested changes after each approval step may not be feasible depending on the type of piece and medium used. Changes that require a rework, redraft, or restart after approvals will require additional charges if the changes requested are able to be accommodated in the artist’s schedule.

Custom pieces outside the offerings on the website are welcomed. Submit your inquiry for pricing and timeline. A non-refundable 50% deposit of the estimate of the project will be expected upon the start of the project.


Email addresses, reference images, and custom illustrations of personal likeness or copyright images will not be sold or shared. Custom art based on your images may be shared on my website and social media, but names, location, and client will not be identified by the artist.


Digital download purchases will be provided as high resolution 300dpi jpg files. Files are intended for personal use solely by the purchaser and are not to be edited, shared, duplicated, or distributed unless an agreement with specific conditions and a licensing fee has been signed.

Since digital download purchases are instant through the shop, there are no returns or refunds. If you have any issues with the file, please let me know and we can work to resolve any technical issues that may occur on Alexa’s end.

If you require a file type other than jpg, please let Alexa know. Some vendors and printers request png files, but this would be if your piece were to be printed on something like stationery or other items (not done through an online retailer). And remember, it must be used as personal stationery or home items, not to be sold or handed out without a license.

Downloaded files are also not to be used for commercial use such as branding, business cards, websites, banner photos on a business’ social media page or online store. This would require a license.


It is my intent to get your physical art to you in the best condition possible. This is why I ship pieces in a cellophane sleeve with cardboard backing to prevent water damage and bending. A sturdy cardboard shipping sleeve is used for larger pieces that do not easily fit in a mailbox to further prevent bending. And, to top it all off, a very large red DO NOT BEND sticker is placed on the outer side of the sleeve. I have so far had 0 incidents with the dozens of custom pieces I have shipped. If you live in the Tulsa area and it is a convenient location for the artist, she may ask if she can drop off the art at your mailbox or front door.

If something were to happen outside the fault of the artist that results in the piece tearing or receiving water damage, please check to see if insurance was provided as part of your shipping option. If you’d like Alexa to repaint your piece, she will repaint for you at a small discount (as we can skip the sketch and rework phase). You may use insurance collected (if selected as part of your shipping method) to cover some of the repainting costs. Each piece is also digitized, so if you would like a print of your piece, that is an option too.

Custom pieces cannot be returned. As you were extensively involved in the creation and received multiple photos of the piece before it was shipped to you, there should be no surprises or need for return.