Wedding Map

This summer, I helped make wedding dreams come true! The Inviting Place contacted me about a client who had always dreamed about having a watercolor map as part of her invitation suite. Of course, I said “Yes, let’s paint something amazing”!

The process includes the client sending me reference photos of the items to be painted and either an address or a sketch of the roads and water to be incorporated. Dimension of the final piece (whether for an invitation suite, print, etc.) will help determine how everything falls in place after all has been painted. I then scan and digitally clean up all the pieces to puzzle piece them together into the perfect layout, keeping in mind leaving space for text and anything that will be added by The Inviting Place for the invitation suite.

IG Boulanger House.jpg

Do you recognize this white house? It was the home used in the movie August Osage County with Meryl Streep and Julia Roberts filmed here in Oklahoma! It was fun learning about the history of this house and some behind the scenes of the movie while looking up reference photos for the home. It was quite the news back during filming in 2012/2013 that Hollywood was coming to Oklahoma!

Are you interested in creating a custom watercolor map with Alexa? Send me a message on my contact page with some details and I’d be happy to answer your questions!


New Illustrations - Sorority Symbols


July 2021 Review