Wedding Venue Library

Carlton Landing Pavilion - Full Watercolor

Introducing the Alexa’s Illustrations Venue Art Library

After two years of partnership with The Inviting Place and painting custom pieces for invitation suites and more, I have quite a library of beautiful venue and icon art perfect for future couples’ wedding celebrations.

Spain Ranch - Line Illustration

Tulsa weddings and beyond , the wedding venue library includes variations of styles and sizes. Pieces available as line art, watercolor portraits, digital illustrations in full portrait sizes or small icons.

Carlton Landing Chapel - Digital Illustration

Venue illustrations are bespoke touches for your save the date or invitation suite. Invite your guests to your event with this custom touch to set the tone of the event by showing the venue in an art style to match.

Is your event going to be…

colorful and romantic? Watercolor portrait

classic black tie? Line illustration

modern and bold? Digital illustration

Venue art wows guests and can be used in a variety of ways. Contact Alexa for licensing and pricing information for your venue.

Is your venue not part of the library? Contact Alexa about custom venue paintings ranging from icon sizes to full portraits.


Art comes as is. Files are limited by size they were originally painted. No changes are available. Any additional illustrations can be painted, digitized, and digitally compiled to existing venue art for a fee depending on additional work’s size and complexity.

A licensing agreement must be signed acknowledging the intended personal use, permission to share with printer for intent of wedding day use. Not to be shared, duplicated, or used outside of intended personal event use.


October 2022 - Monthly Review


September 2022 - Monthly Review