
Alexa's Illustrations Alexa's Illustrations

Sketching Process

The first step of a custom portrait is to sketch the piece. Sounds easier than it really is. Here’s some insight to what considerations are made and behind the scenes to the process. Learn more about reference photos, the drafting and revision process, and some helpful tips for your hand painted watercolor portraits.

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Monthly Review Alexa's Illustrations Monthly Review Alexa's Illustrations

March 2021 Review

You all kept me busy in March 2021. A year after the start of the pandemic, you all are still celebrating life and milestones and dreaming of big projects, and I’m so glad you’ve asked me to play a part in capturing your lives through art! Carlton Landing; Custom Crest; House Portraits; Couple Portraits

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Alexa's Illustrations Alexa's Illustrations

Couple Portraits

Do you paint people?


Painting people is difficult! Everything has to be exactly in the right spot and the shading and highlights need to be the right shades to make sure the likeness of the person is as accurate as possible. With a building or a pet, you can have a window or a spot off by a few inches and no one will notice, but with people… people are different.

Tiny details, like a freckle, laugh line, the way the corner of their mouths turn with a smile, are the difference between “I guess that looks like them” and “Wow, you captured them perfectly!”.

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