Couple Portraits

Do you paint people?


Painting people is difficult! Everything has to be exactly in the right spot and the shading and highlights need to be the right shades to make sure the likeness of the person is as accurate as possible. With a building or a pet, you can have a window or a spot off by a few inches and no one will notice, but with people… people are different.

Tiny details, like a freckle, laugh line, the way the corner of their mouths turn with a smile, are the difference between “I guess that looks like them” and “Wow, you captured them perfectly!”.

I notice these things and I know you do too! I have been practicing people painting for years (thanks #copicface - practice project turned pop culture collection).

Couple portraits make unique gifts for the hard to hop for. They’re personal and something you can’t buy in a store. Engagements, birthdays, anniversaries (1st anniversary is traditionally a paper gift), weddings, Valentine'sDay, or just because are perfect occasions for couple portraits and a chance to wow your loved recipient.


March 2021 Review


Carlton Landing Map