June 2024 - Monthly Review

Summer is here! Memorial Day is a big kickoff to summer date, and I always take advantage of the long weekend with a getaway. While on my summer adventures, it was fun to see all of spring’s wedding projects reach their big event dates! Weddings galore happened this June featuring Alexa’s Illustrations art. One venue in particular warranted its own call out: Wedding reveals Philbrook Weddings blog post.

Speaking of Philbrook, have you been to their shop lately? If you have, there are some new Alexa’s Illustrations exclusives. Read more about the items on this blog post.

But weddings work is year round! There are more upcoming weddings featuring venue, pet, pattern art and more to be on the lookout for. Keep an eye on Instagram for all the behind the scenes on projects and reveals.

This June, I held my second painting class! A little different than last year’s watercolor class at TCC, this Painting Party was a private event bought at the Gezellig Auction!

Things were busy over on Spoonflower and Zazzle with a few new orders for wallpaper, and semi custom designed invitation suites.

Customs are going on break for the summer and will return in mid August. Start thinking of your end of year gift giving and get on the list for your projects!

Stay cool this upcoming July & August and have a wonderful summer!


July 2024 - Monthly Review


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