January 2024 - Monthly Review

Happy New Year!

The end of a year is always a big rush to get Christmas presents for clients and personal painted, wrapped, and delivered on time. Then, I expect January to be a quiet month for recharging and planning ahead.

This January had none of that. Between back to back travel, snow days, and surprise projects, 2024 started off just as high energy as 2023 ended.

I’m partnering with a local school for their auction to illustrate some Legends of the school, Tulsa, & beyond. I’ve been working with Annie Brady design to bring the fun to an amazing education supporting auction scheduled for January.

My desk became a neighborhood when those Christmas gift cards and “can wait until after the holiday rush” projects landed.

Wedding planning for the summer couples is at its busiest in January. So many new illustrations and couples that found exactly what they were looking for in my venue illustration bank. Let me just say Philbrook is THE place I’m seeing couples getting married at in 2024.

Then, we have the Valentine’s gifts: bottles, portraits, and more! So many special love stories celebrated with an Alexa’s Illustrations original gift exchanged this year and I couldn’t be more pleased and proud to be a part!

On top of allllll of this, I had a “drop everything and work on this” project. And if you’ve been reading my blog or follow along on Instagram, you may have an idea what it is and I cannot wait for installation!

All this said, I am so pleased that 2024 and custom art are off to a great start. Thank you all for following along with this art journey and excitement around each custom piece!


February 2024 - Monthly Review


Coloring Page Art- Isla’s Kitchen