Featured in: Tulsa People 2024

Tulsa watercolor artist, Alexa's Illustrations @alexasillustrations #alexasillustrations Walmart Mural, Muskogee Mural, Guthrie Mural, Walmart Community Art Program, Now Art LA, Oklahoma watercolor artist, TulsaPeople Magazine May 2024, Tulsa artist

Big paintings are big news! No place better to share the story than TulsaPeople Magazine! Catch the May 2024 Issue and flip to page 20 for a column article about my watercolor work with Walmart in Guthrie and Muskogee, Oklahoma. Thank you, TulsaPeople for the article, “Landmarks in watercolor” to share my murals that proudly hang in the welcome vestibules in these two Oklahoma cities! Read the article in the edition mailed to your home, at local new stands, or online.

News release of the Walmart Guthrie Mural was published by Guthrie News Page.

News of the new Walmart Muskogee Mural has not yet been shared by local news, as it was just recently installed!


Venue Illustrations - Seating Chart


April 2024 - Monthly Review