April 2024 - Monthly Review

April was a big reveal month for all some of the big projects I hinted at in March.

My new Muskogee Walmart Mural is up! It’s even bigger than the last and has a gorgeous azalea bordered bottom for a colorful pop of spring to be enjoyed year round. Even better is the column featuring both my murals published in the May issue of Tulsa People!

Auction Season was great! My pieces went to amazing homes and raised funds for local organizations.

I used to think that weddings came in a season, but as I’ve been painting and providing art for weddings for almost 4 years, wedding season is year round! Gorgeous celebrations of love happen all the time and I love seeing the photos from these big days! A special wedding featuring envelope liner and seating chart art happened this month and I am so excited as the photos start rolling in!

Going into May, it’s still a fully packed schedule. Bottles celebrating engagements, weddings, birthdays; custom paintings and portraits as usual; a couple unique graduation projects; event art for showers and weddings with the Inviting Place; and likely lots more!


Featured in: Tulsa People 2024


Live Painting: Holland Hall Gezellig 2024