August 2024 - Monthly Review

August. All I can say is “Phew!”

Wedged between a last summer vacation and back to school, I completed a record number of projects in August 2024, though I don’t know where I got the time to do all that.

On my antique partners desk, I completed new projects with the Inviting Place for upcoming events.

Speaking of events, the last photos of the summer weddings filled my home feed and tags. I love seeing all my art used in these big celebrations! It’s definitely helped fill my wedding page of my website.

Zazzle & Spoonflower sales have been steady this summer, and I’ve been toying with the idea of growing these platforms more. I created my own custom engagement party invitation for a friend and now I have a wild idea to do more. Maybe I’ll save that for September.

New portraits include a lake house, an international gift, a wedding venue, and some icons for an event.

Save the Date for two items:

  • Tulsa Area United Way Auction in early September

  • Utica Square’s Art in the Square October 5, 2024


July 2024 - Monthly Review