August 2023 - Monthly Review

I cannot believe it is the end of August already. Don’t get me wrong, I’m so ready for the break in the heat and the cool autumn temperatures that I know are right around the corner, but I feel like I didn’t get enough time in August.

The last weeks of summer were packed with projects, like adorable custom nursery art, a piece bound for Canada, and prep for a Colorado backyard wedding.

Back to school lined up perfectly with prep for the Maker Faire Tulsa, so I was busy creating new school spirit prints and pieces perfect for a dorm room gallery wall or to slip in the cover of your biology binder. I even made some pink versions if' you’re team Barbie (I was probably the last person to see the movie and have since been incorporating more pink in almost everything).

The Maker Faire Tulsa was such a fun day! Everyone came ready to play and create. Loved chatting with you all about my art and learning about your favorite STEM activity. Read more about my experience at the Maker Faire Tulsa here.

This month was the big reveal of my frist mural I painted for Walmart #108 in Guthrie, Oklahoma! I teased the piece in July on Instagram and in the end of the month blog post, but now I can say it is officially up on the wall proudly greeting everyone that comes in! Such an honor and fun experience being a part of the #walmartmurals project.

Info for Event Planners is finally up! It’s a great landing page for all you party planners (professionals and DIY alike) that may have questions about custom art.

As if August wasn’t exciting enough, I have something upcoming that may top it: I have been selected as the artist for the ALT Room in December for a solo exhibition! Stay tuned for more details.


September 2023 Email


Pop Up: Maker Faire Tulsa