Tulsa Landmarks - Marquette Auction

An amazing inquiry came my way about creating a watercolor Tulsa landmarks piece for Marquette School's auction. We tossed around ideas on landmarks, size, layout, and finally came to a perfect draft that I was immediately excited to paint.

This 11x14 hand painted piece is an Alexa's Illustrations original featuring midtown and downtown favorites and icons, plus Marquette elementary school and the high schools families graduate to attend next.

The large size show great detail of these local favorites to really bring to life the shady Philbrook tempietto and the warm sun felt at a day playing at the Gathering Place.

I can’t wait to see who gets to keep this piece to enjoy in their home and hope it helps raise funds for the children, teachers, staff, and programs at the school!

P.S. A lot of these landmarks were made into Giphy Stickers that you can use in Instagram stories & reels. Just search “alexasillustrations” to use.

Interested in having Alexa paint a custom piece for your organization's auction? Reach out and let's chat!


October 2021 Review


Sketching Process