March 2024 - Monthly Review

March was a quiet month on Instagram. I have a few upcoming projects to be revealed soon (hint for project #1 azaleas, project #2 garden cat) that I’m keeping secret.

Spring also marks Auction Season, where I’ve been partnering with a couple organizations for some donations to great organizations:

Signature Symphony Overture April 27, 2024

  • Limited edition prints from my Tulsa Watercolor exhibition last Dec 2023

Holland Hall Gezellig April 20, 2024

  • I illustrated some of the HH Legends that you will see on social media and promoting the event

  • I am auctioning a kids’ painting party (you purchase, host, and invite your kids’ friends, and I show up with the supplies and we paint Dutch the Lion)

  • Catch me Live Painting at the event! The painting will be auctioned at the end of the night too.

Otherwise, I have been working on a lot of behind the scenes studio projects, keeping the website and Pinterest up to date, adding to and improving my License Bank, and planning projects for Graduation & Wedding season.

Stay tuned, because April is going to be a BIG month!


Muskogee, OK Mural - Walmart


Mayo Hotel Wedding